26 February 2010

Cat howl and movement in one week…

Tuesday, the 23rd of February we had our first lesson of PE. I was a bit frightened, because the Danes are known as sportive people. In my mind, I could see us running 5 laps around the university, just to warm up… Luckily, that wasn’t the case. We just played some typical Danish games. I really enjoyed it. There were a few games I’d never played, for example the ‘bull in the red sea’ or the ‘carrotgame’. A very handy lesson for our future, because we can play them with our pupils as well. Another advantage is that we got to know each other a bit better…

The same week, on Friday morning 8 o’clock, we had music… I bought some coffee in the cafeteria, but I hadn’t got time to drink it, because the moment I walked in the classroom, we got a paper with some songs on it. That moment I realized that this wasn’t going to be a passive lesson. (Which I always find wonderful on a Friday morning). No no, we were going to make our own music… The people who know me, know that I’m not the world greatest singer. I inherited the singing talent of my parents, meaning: none…. Although I was really trying, the only sound that came out of my mouth sounded like cat howl… I think Stefanie would agree, because I was standing next to her and I saw her making painful faces…

After this painful experience of the music class (especially for the people who stood next me) , we had our second lesson of PE. This time we could use everything that was in the room to make our own exercise. Stefanie and I made a ‘climbing-exercise’, with success.
the exercises of our colleagues were all very different: from walking over a beam to hula hooping.
So, not very difficult exercises… Until we had to do them with a blindfold… I don’t know about you, but I’m not really comfortable if I’m hanging upside down with a blindfold and a head as red as a tomato. Anyway, I think God loves me, because I didn’t fell. He did punished me for an occasional swear by giving me a lot of muscles ache the day after.

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