When we First met our buddy, she told us about het hobby: Danish gymnastics. I didn’t quite know what this sport includes. Nine (our buddy) told us that Danish gymnastics is a combination of normal gymnastics with modern dance. I think Nine could see at my face, that I still didn’t quite get it, because she asked me if I wanted to see a practice. Without the smallest hesitation I said ‘yes’.
So, the first week on Thursday Stefanie and I went to see this new sport. From the moment I saw it, I loved it. I use to do gymnastics and dancing, so a combination of these two in one sports was great!
Nine told us that they were practicing for a competition in march and asked us if we wanted to see it.
I was very interesting in this event, because now I could see more of this new sport. The 12th of march we got into the car and drove to Aabenraa, where the competition took place. We saw all sorts of groups, including the one Nine teaches. I really loved it!
What I found really amazing (other than the performances of course) was the fact that this sport is for everyone! It doesn’t matter if you small or tall, if your 15 years old or 60, you are welcome to do Danish gymnastics.